WebinarTeledyne Photometrics

Advice On Choosing a Camera for Calcium and Voltage Imaging

Time lapse of Fura-2 imaging in mouse pancreatic acinar cells.
Image courtesy of Dr. Marc Freichel, Heidelberg University
Glutamatergic neurons stained with the glutamate sensitive fluorescent reporter iGluSnFR.
Image courtesy of Prof. Dieter Bruns, University of Saarland
Neuronal circuits grown on an MEA and stained with a neuronal marker (green), with the MEA electrodes appearing as black circles.
Image courtesy of Dr. Miguel Aroso, University of Porto


How techniques within calcium and voltage imaging can be differentiated based on camera requirements

The unique imaging challenges presented by these techniques and how to overcome them

Which current camera technologies we recommend and why


How different samples used for calcium and voltage imaging affect the imaging requirements

How different fluorescent labels used for calcium and voltage imaging affect the imaging requirements

What’s now possible with the newest scientific camera technologies


Dr. Dan Croucher
Marketing Manager
Teledyne Photometrics

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