RETIGA E9Long Exposure CMOS


The Retiga E9 CMOS camera can capture exposures from tens of microseconds up to an hour, delivering detailed, high-resolution images without extraneous noise. With its stacked CMOS sensor technology developed by Sony, the E9’s square pixel array with 3.76 µm pixels and high dynamic range (>80 dB) combine to create a sensitive, versatile, and cost-effective low noise camera ready for integration or benchtop use.

  • Capable of exposure times up to 60 minutes
  • Ultra low dark current <0.001 e/p/s
  • High resolution sensor (9 MP)
  • High dynamic range (82 dB)
  • Low noise, high QE (>90%)

Key Features

Long Exposure Imaging

Thanks to major breakthroughs in thermal noise control, the Retiga E9 CMOS has an unprecedented ultra-low dark current of <0.001 electrons per pixel per second, allowing for exposure times of over an hour.

Stretching exposure times from seconds to minutes to hours in this manner results in comfortable detection of even the weakest signals, ideal for imaging luminescence.

Extended Dynamic Range

As well a Standard 16-bit mode, the Retiga E9 features a 16-bit Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) mode, which combines a large full well capacity with a low read noise to result in ~2.5x more dynamic range than other modes, easily capturing both intense and weak signals in the same image.

High Sensitivity

A combination of low read noise (1.3 e) and a high quantum efficiency (>90% at 550 nm) makes the Retiga E9 highly sensitive, able to image weak signals or operate at low exposure times.

If even more sensitivity is required, the Retiga E9 can be binned from 2×2 through to 16×16, maximizing sensitivity with larger pixel sizes.

OEM Integration

Interfacing is simple with the Retiga E9 by design. With its compact format and single cable interface, hardware integration is straightforward. The addition of onboard triggering, Windows/Linux support, and our dedicated OEM team make integrating and customising the Retiga E9 a painless process.

Family Specifications

Sensor Technology CMOS
Dark Current Noise 0.001 e-/p/s
Quantum Efficiency 90%
Pixel Size 3.76 µm x 3.76 µm
Supported Interfaces USB 3.2 Gen 2
Read Noise (median) 1.3 e-

Camera Models

Sensor Area
Frame Rate
Retiga E7
Sensor Area
14.4mm x 9.9mm,
17.6mm diagonal
Frame Rate
3fps @ ‘Long Exposure’
51fps @ ‘Fast Capture’
Sensor Area
Frame Rate
Retiga E9
Sensor Area
11.3 mm x 11.3 mm,
16 mm diagonal
Frame Rate
25fps @ ‘Standard’
12fps @ ‘EDR’
Sensor Area
Frame Rate
Retiga E20
Sensor Area
13.1mm x 8.7mm,
15.7mm diagonal
Frame Rate
2fps @ ‘Long Exposure’
22fps @ ‘Fast Capture’

