How It Works

Book Free Imaging Splitter Trial
Click the button below and fill in the form, we will ship the imaging splitter and all necessary parts to enable you to test the splitter.

Set Up Your Imaging Splitter
Mount your imaging splitter onto your microscope’s C-mount or lens. Make sure the filters you are using in the splitter are correct and that the splitter is well supported. Next, take a look at the setup and alignments guides in the Resources section below.
If you need assistance, you can contact our support team via phone or email to help with troubleshooting.

Install On Your System
Before you get started, if you’re using the imaging splitter with Teledyne Photometrics cameras, download and install our latest camera drivers.
To start using the splitter immediately, we recommend setting it up in the latest nightly build of Micro-Manager 1.4.
Links to these downloads and how to set up the splitter in Micro-Manager can be found in the Resources section below.

Return Your Imaging Splitter
After your trial you will ship the imaging splitter back to our office. We will be in touch to remind you of the previously set returning date. Please note, return shipping costs are your responsibility.